Giving at St.Leonard's
The work of St Leonard’s is made possible, under God, solely by the generous giving of individuals, for which we are most grateful.
As individuals and as a church we seek to tithe our income. St Leonard’s is committed to support God’s work in the wider world, so about 10% of all that we receive is passed on to support home and overseas mission.
From time to time the church has special services where money is given to God’s work in the wider world. Church members are invited to give what they can on these occasions and envelopes are usually provided to ensure that the donations are given to the specific cause.
For Church members, planned and regular giving through the Parish Giving Scheme is encouraged. This helps the church to budget and plan effectively. Where Church members are tax payers giving can be made through the Gift Aid scheme which provides a substantial supplement to church income.
Any additional offerings may be left in the plate by the door at the back of church, or in the wall safe.
There is now the opportunity to give online if other methods are not available.

For more information about how you can support the work of St Leonard’s financially please contact Mike Sinfield (Treasurer) Gift aid forms are also available from Mike