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Sunday Services

Our main service is at 10:30am suitable for everyone and is either all age or provides groups for young people and children. Our 9am service is more traditional and there are other services once a month. See below for the usual monthly routine.

Monthly pattern of services

First Sunday of the month
10:30am Morning Worship.
 Suitable for all. Young people and children have the opportunity to leave part way through to attend groups suited to their age
7:00pm Revive. An informal time of contemporary sung worship and prayer

Second Sunday 
9:00am Holy Communion. A quieter, traditional service with hymns and short address
10:30 Morning Worship in a more contemporary style. Crèche facilities are available throughout.
4:00pm Families@4. A service aimed at younger families. Songs, craft, interactive prayers and a bible story.

Third Sunday 
10:30am Holy Communion. Suitable for all. Young people and children have the opportunity to leave part way through to attend groups suited to their age.

Fourth Sunday 
9:00am Holy Communion. A quieter, traditional service with hymns and short address
10:30 ALL-IN SERVICE. This is an opportunity for every age to engage in the way that is most helpful for them. We begin altogether with worship, prayer and introducing the bible theme. Then we break out into different groups to explore the theme: children's craft, adult craft, discussion group, creative writing, worship and reflection, personal prayer and study etc. We conclude our time altogether and greet each other over coffee.

Fifth Sunday 
10:30am Morning Worship or Holy Communion. Suitable for all. Young people and children have the opportunity to leave part way through to attend groups suited to their age.

For more information about what happens in the children's work please visit the Children's Ministry page.

If you have any questions about our Sunday Services or need to get in touch with us about any other enquiry we will be happy to help. Please Contact Us for more information.

Planning your Visit